"Scandalous." "An insult to the memory" "An insult to the living and to the dead."
This is Dominique Sopo, the president de SOS Racisme, France's leading anti-racism and anti-discrimination organisation. In this video (in French) he expresses his outrage that people falsely accuse Charlie Hebdo of being racist when it is the opposite. He says that Charlie Hebdo is the most important anti-racist weekly in France. That all the anti-racism activists in France know this, and that Cabu, Charb and Wolinski regularly did cartoons FOR anti-racist campaigns. Mr Sopo says that lies about Charlie Hebdo are creating a "mob mentality".
(Even if you don't understand French, you can hear from Mr Sopo's tone how angry he is that ignorant morons attack Charlie Hebdo for "racism". )
I don't know how exactly the moral brigade among writers in America got the idea that the fearless satirists of Charlie Hebdo were "racist", but it's simply not true. If you have been spreading these lies you should be ashamed of yourself for slandering the dead and the living.
Writers who don't understand the video might pause for a moment to think of the implications of this.
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145 Writers Against Freedom of Speech?