Moving Parts Play Readings - a Paris institution!
Nearly every Sunday evening, a cast of actors will read the plays of local writers at Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris (métro Tuileries). Fans gather for a beer beforehand and continue with feedback for the author and discussion after the reading. It"s a fun way to meet great people and to support local writers and performers.
All the readings start promptly at 7.30 pm. Most are in English though occasionally there are also readings in French (check the schedule for the Title, Author and Language of the Play)
Upcoming plays (and, exceptionally, short films…) MAY JUNE JULY
11th.May : Amine Sabir : court-métrages en français
25th.May : Dolly West : "A Monologue for Three Actresses" : (stage play in English)
15th.June : Julie Wornan : one-act stage plays in English
29th.June : Charles Borkhuis : "Blue Period" (stage play in English)
13th.July : Susan Cinoman : "Temple Beautiful" : (stage play in English)
7:30 pm Sunday night play readings in Paris at Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris (métro Tuileries)
If you would like to have your play read by actors in a convivial setting, contact Stephanie at