This month, news from the White Review, Paris lit up, the American Library in Paris Book Award, Linda Lappin, Thirza Vallois, Jacques Testard, Adam Biles, Benjamin Eastham, Fred Coleman, Christian Lorentzen, Craig Taylor, Heather Hartley, Jacques Emile Blanche, Percival Everett, John Pearce, Marc Grossman, Sonia Walsh, Zoe Mavroudi, Rachel Rose Reid, Andrew Auerbach, Peter Behrens and more! (update in progress!)
* Books out for this Christmas coming soon! *
THE AMERICAN LIBRARY IN PARIS BOOK AWARD will be given to the best book of the year in English about France or the French-American encounter. The winner of the Award receives a prize of $5,000. He or she is invited to Paris in October, 2013, with air travel and accommodation at the Library’s expense, for an award ceremony and other Library functions, including a public reading and a writing workshop. Nominations end June 1, 2013. For more info see website here.
New author interviews
Linda Lappin , Adam Biles , Fred Coleman , John Pearce... See more interviews with Paris Authors here.
Literary events, readings, lectures and book launches in Paris this December
(for poetry, events in French and more please see Fragment78 and Paris Lit Up listings as well as listings on the side bar!)
10 December 19h Launch of The White Review No. 6, featuring interviews with China Mieville, Julia Kristeva and Edmund de Waal, fiction by Helen DeWitt, essays on J. H. Prynne and Bela Tarr, artwork by Matt Connors and poetry by Emily Berry. Panel discussion with editors Jacques Testard and Benjamin Eastham, Christian Lorentzen (Senior Editor at the London Review of Books and editor of Say What You Mean: The n+1 Anthology), Craig Taylor (Five Dials, and the author of Londoners) and others. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel
10 December 20h onward: SpokenWord Paris: Open mic in English, open to all languages. AT: Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. 11 December 19h La Méduse, a feminist reading series, presents the poet NINA KARACOSTA and the musician "DK" of DK & The Joy Machine. AT: Violette et Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny
Tuesday 11th December 2012 Signing - 5-7pm Presentation - 7-8pm Jane Roberts will present and sign her bookJACQUES-EMILE BLANCHE. AT WH Smith Paris
Tuesday 11 December 19:30 Cornell Reading Project @ The Library: The Life Before Us The American Library in Paris will host a program around Gary's The Life Before Us, with a presentation by the Cornell Reading Project and an exploration of the vibrant neighborhood of Belleville, past and present, by Paris historian Thirza Vallois. Read More... AT The American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, 07 Arrondissement
12 December 19h30 Percival Everett will offer a preview of his forthcoming work, Percival Everett by Virgil Russell: A Novel.. AT: American Library in Paris,10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, Metro Alma-Marceau or Ecole Militaire
13 December 18h New York expat Marc Grossman, the creator of Bob's Juice Bar (10e) and Bob's Kitchen (3e) to celebrate his latest cookbook New York - Les Recettes Culte (ed. Marabout). AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel
Thursday 13th December - 5-7pm Sonia Marsh will sign her book Freeways to Flip-Flops: A Family's Year of Gutsy Living on a Tropical Island. AT WH Smith Paris
14 December 20h Beauty Is Prison-Time: Written and performed by Zoe Mavroudi. Directed by Terra Vandergaw. prison. A beauty pageant. The winner gets parole. Suggested donation: €10. Interactive Q & A with the artists. Drinks and networking to follow. AT: Le Pavé d'Orsay, 48 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris Reservations
Sunday, 16th December 2012 at 7.30 pm MOVING PARTS presents the second reading of a play by Andrew Auerbach The Writers AT Carr's Pub & Restaurant 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris Metro : Tuileries
17, 18, 19 December at 19h. An English Christmas. An evening of poetry, story and music celebrating Christmas in the English Tradition with the Dear Conjunction Theatre Company. For Friends of Words Alive O, tickets are 12 euros. Pour les Amis de Words Alive O, les billets sont 12 euros. AT: Théâtre de Nesle 8, rue de Nesle 75006 MAP Reservations 01 46 34 61 04.
17 December 20h onward: SpokenWord Paris: Open mic in English, open to all languages. AT: Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes.
18 December 19h Broken Hearts and Unbound Dreams. Join Rachel Rose Reid for a winding journey through poems, stories and songs that stretch from Grecian hills to the shores of Newfoundland, from ancient worlds to the present day. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel
19 December 15h Children’s Hour – music, rhythm and stories for kids. Bring your children (2-6 year-olds, siblings welcome too) to the library at Shakespeare and Company for an hour of music, songs and stories in English (for all nationalities, even those who don't speak English). Led by the magic Kate Stables, mum and singer/songwriter from This is the Kit, this lovely event is fast becoming an institution. There will be instruments to play and a lot of noise to make! Four euros donation appreciated. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel
21st to 30th December. “A Christmas Carol” at Théâtre de Nesle. Dear Conjunction’s original Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”. Performances in English and performances in French. AT: Théâtre de Nesle 8, rue de Nesle 75006
24 December 20h onward: SpokenWord Paris: Open mic in English, open to all languages. AT: Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes.
31 December 20h onward: SpokenWord Paris: Open mic in English, open to all languages.. AT: Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes.
Writing Workshops in Paris
Write In Mondays at WICE: December 3, 10, 17 Are you trying to work on your writing, but every time you sit down to do it, nothing happens? It doesn’t have to be that way. Come to our weekly Write-In and join other committed writers who want to do what they do best: Write! Throughout the year, accomplished authors will join us to share their experiences, writing secrets and tricks of the trade.What is a Write-In? A Write-In is not just a place to go, but a place where structure and collective creative energy will help you achieve your writing goals. Host: Kate Kemp-Griffin is the Creative Writing Program Director at WICE and has hosted many Write-Ins. In addition to writing a monthly column for The Lingerie Journal, Kate is enjoying the thrills and frustration of completing her first novel. For more information or to register, click here.
Saturdays 5pm-7pm The Other Writers' Group: a drop-in feedback writing & readers’ workshop. Writers! Bring 6 copies of your story, poems, etc to get feedback (up to about 10 mins reading time for prose, max 2 or 3 pages of poetry) Meets: upstairs at Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de le Bucherie, Metro St Michel or Maubert Mutualite. Fee: 5 euros a meeting. For more info: Salons in Paris:
Samedi 8 et 22 décembre de 11h à 13h Atelier d’écriture animé par CATHERINE BÉDARIDA: Horaires : un samedi sur deux, de 11h à 13h. L’inscription ponctuelle en cours d’année est possible. Tarif : 20 € par atelier. Renseignements et inscriptions : [email protected]
Getting Unstuck - Conquering the Fear of the Blank Page Mondays January 21, 28; February 4, 11 Tips and techniques to get your pen flowing. Emphasis will be on generating new ideas and material. Instructor: Sion Dayson. WICE Creative Writing Courses:
Calls for submissions
Upstairs at Duroc, the literary journal published in Paris, France, seeks submissions for its Issue # 15. English language poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction and translations. We welcome experimental forms, cross-genre work, prose poems and flash fiction. Standalone excerpts from longer works will also be considered. Please submit only previously unpublished material! Submit no more than 5 poems, or 5 flash fiction pieces, or two longer prose pieces not exceeding 2000 words each. Attach poems as a single Word file, one poem per page. Include cover sheet with name, address, phone number, email address, word count for prose, and a short Bio. We also seek visual art pieces: etchings, drawings, black and white photographs with good contrast. Also a few color pieces for the front and back covers. Please send in jpeg format. Send submissions to [email protected] with “Upstairs at Duroc Submission” in the subject line. For complete guidelines and examples of published work, see our Website at Submission reading period: October 1, 2012 to January 31, 2013.
VERSAL, Amsterdam call for work!! ''Amsterdam's acclaimed literary & arts journal, Versal, is now reading for its 11th edition. Its editors are looking for excellent prose, poetry, art and the inbetween.'' Guidelines and submissions here: A $2 submission fee applies, or submit for free between October 1 and October 7, 2012. For a close look at Versal's tastes, purchase the current no. 10 or a back issue: Pre-order Versal 11 when you submit and we’ll waive the submission fee. The deadline for submissions to Versal 11 is January 15, 2013. Read some recent press about Versal here: and here:
The new Paris Lit Up Magazine is putting out a call for submissions. Deadline date is 28th February 2013.More information on the Paris Lit Up site: