Millionnaire French best-selling diet book guru Pierre Dukan has a new best idea!
Give thin kids extra points on the French bac--like for Latin or special sports skills!
Dukan, famous for his anti-carb weight loss diet (Régime Dukan) will apparently stop at nothing to sell his books. Who was it that said there's no such thing as bad publicity? Well, the man responsible for François Hollande's new slim look has embraced that maxim with passion.
His idea? An option "poid équilibre (which I guess means "the right weight") on the French school leaving exam. Extra points would be awarded to students who gain no weight in their last two years of lycée.
Think of it! The official weigh-in for our daughters at the sturdy age of 16; then again at 18, presumably in the middle of the bac, which as all French parents know is a time of no stress whatsoever.
You gotta admire the greedy scribbler's chutzpah! What better way then to get free media than to float a lethal idea as a public health service! (book he's floggin: Lettre ouverte au futur président de la République )
Read more on L'Express Education blog Mammouth Mon Amour.
A note to authors: no matter what book marketing gurus tell you, there is a limit.