This month, news from John Abraham, Robert Harneis, Miranda Neame, Meredith Mullins, Alexis Niki, Jeffrey Greene, Mark Kurlansky, Bob Day, Mary Duncan, Hilary Kaiser, The Other Writers Group, Writers Meet-up, Spoken Word, and the Paris Writers News Team: Rosalia Gitau, Pam Leavy, Amada Walsh and Laurel Zuckerman!
New Books and publications !
John Abraham's new book is just out, Paris Made Me (Trafford 2010).
A journalist for Paris Radio France Inter- nationale and Radio Australia, John met such celebrities as Josephine Baker, Lawrence Durrell, Rudolf Nureyev Orson Wells, Audrey Hepburn, Maurice Chevalier, Peter Ustinov and Jacques Brel. He shares memories of a Paris which many of us will never know. Many of us know John from his years at Shakespeare and Co where he will be reading soon. Paris Made Me is available in paperback and on Kindle.
Meredith Mullin's book, In a Paris Moment, is now available in bookstores. Meredith is an internationally exhibited American photographer and writer who currently lives in Paris. She is a recent winner of the 2010 Px3 competition, a 2009 winner of the Grand Concours Photo sur Paris. In addition to exhibitions, her photographs are regularly featured in Eye Prefer Paris.
Hilary Kaiser, author of Veteran Recall and French War Brides, has signed with Summertime Publications for paperback and e-book versions of her books.
Mary Duncan's delightful Henry Miller's Under My Bed will now be available as an e-book from Starhaven. Watch for PWN's video interview with Mary !
Edible Stories by Mark Kurlansky is coming this fall from Riverhead!
Bob Day's lovely essay on rural France, "Where I am now", has just been published in the literary review New Letters!
Jeffrey Greene's long awaited new book, Beautiful Monsters, is coming out with Pecan Grove Press.
New publication in English! French Week
Called French Week, it appears every Friday in print--for all those who still love the feel of a real newspaper and want to keep abreast of French affairs, news and culture. Editor Miranda Neame has lived and worked in France since her late teens, spending the past 15 years in publishing. News editor Robert Harneis is a seasoned observer of French and European affairs; he has published a biography of Ségolène Royal and translated Nicolas Sarkozy’s best-seller ‘Témoignage’ into English.
Distributed in newsagents throughout France, price €1, and by subscription throughout Europe. Contact the editor: [email protected] or tel. 0033 5 53 70 40 23 for international calls or 05 53 70 40 23 from France
Paris Writers News! NEWS !
The Short Story Contest (deadline November 30) is underway! The twelve finalist judges have been announced--click here for bios. The Editorial Committee will be announced at the end of the month. A generous donor who wishes to remain anonymous has offered to sponsor the 200 euro prize. We are very grateful for donations whether in cash or in kind !
The Paris Writers Teams is changing and growing! Rosalia Gitau, who interviewed Margo Berdeshevsky, Diane Johnson and Parselelo Kantai, is on leave of absense for several months to work with the United Nations in Haiti. Good luck Rosalia! We'll miss you! Two talented new journalists have joined our team! Please welcome Pam Leavy and Amanda Walsh : What's a writer to do in August? a couple of ideas... The Other Writers' Group 5pm till 7pm every Saturday in August upstairs at Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bûcherie 5 euros Bring 5 copies of your story, poems, chapter, etc. to get feedback. Or just come and listen & say what you think. August writer's meetup Thursday, August 12, 2010 7:30 PM Apparemment Café 18, rue des Coutures St-Gervais 75003 Paris (Métro: Filles du Calvaire). Bring a selection of your writing, regardless of genre, on which you'd like feedback. If you're interested in written comments, please bring along 3-4 extra copies. RSVP to this Meetup: And do't forget you can always stroll into some of Paris' excellent bookshops to find the perfect read: Village Voice (metro Mabillon) Shakespeare's and company (across from Notre Dame) WH Smith (rue de Rivoli opposite the Tuileries) The Abbey Bookshop (St Michel) Tea and Tattered Pages The Red Wheelbarrow (in the heart of the Marais) and the American Library ! Call for submissions! for THEMED E-BOOK TO BE PUBLISHED IN CONJUNCTION WITH WEB SERIES The makers of the web series comedy MY BITCHY WITCHY PARIS VACATION are seeking story contributions on the theme of MOTHERS, DAUGHTERS, AND SISTERS for an e-book that will be used to promote the series. S A journalist with the St. Petersburg Florida "Times," and Tampa Bay Business Journal, Pamela Leavy has writen features and celebrity profiles for "France" Magazine including interviews with Thierry Lhermitte and Leslie Caron. She is also a blogger for hire (see: Pamela enjoys French life and writing travel, culinary, business and culture articles about her adopted country.
Amanda Walsh is an Australian documentary filmmaker/video journalist who is currently working on her first feature length documentary about human rights issues in Ethiopia, 'The Price of Aid'. With a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre and Film and a Post Graduate in Documentary Filmmaking, Amanda has more than 10 years professional experience with ABC Australia, BBC London and various independent film production companies, although, it was her work with indigenous communities that inspired her passion for documentary. Her first film won Best Documentary at the Fistful of Films Festival, her other films have been officially selected for prestigious film festivals. Since arriving in France, Amanda has co-written/directed/filmed video reports for Africa Journal – Thomson Reuters. Amanda can be contacted at [email protected]
Genre: Short fiction (with some link to Paris)
Closing date: 30 November 2010
Prize: 200 euros for first prize, plus publication of twelve best stories
Entry fee: 10 euros
Restrictions: Maximum 5’000 words. Submission in the body of the email only
Further information: 12 stories will be selected to appear in the book: “BEST AND MOST DELIGHTFUL STORIES ABOUT PARIS” to be published fall 2011
Internet site for details and updates: