Hercules himself would collapse under the pressure of so many tasks!
Under attack for reproducing social classes, failing to promote equality ,incompetence in replacing absent teachers, poor results in foreign language teaching and declining basic skills in spelling and French grammar, France’s public schools are now facing a new challenge: should they or should they not begin introducing lessons of tolerance for homosexuals in nursery school?
What sparked this latest debate? Luc Chatel, Minister of Education, decided NOT to show a film entitled “Le Baiser de la Lune” in primary schools.
"It’s premature to talk about homosexuality in nursery school and primary school,” he said, pointing out that the film was a private initiative, not sanctioned by Education Nationale.
This provoked an immediate reaction. The director of an ECOLE MATERNELLE (ages 3-5) and Doctor of Education Science named Gäel Pasquier wrote an article in Le Monde arguing that it was a “necessity” to talk of homosexuality in nursery school, starting with the “petite section”, that is children 2 to 3 years old.
He lists 8 points which you can read here.
What's a school to do?